Who I Help
Perimenopause and Menopause
Sometimes you hit your 40s or 50s and don’t feel like yourself anymore. It’s really upsetting to not feel like yourself! Irregular cycles, huge mood swings, insomnia, hot flashes, joint pain . . . menopause can bring a wide variety of confusing symtoms. But just because midlife is a time of huge transition, it doesn’t have to mean suffering. As northern Vermont’s menopause specialist, I can help!
Pregnancy and Postpartum
It’s a lot of work to grow a human. We often plan our ideal birth, but don’t focus on the before or after. Care for your body and mind can make a HUGE difference in your well-being and enjoyment of parenthood.
I work with common issues during the perinatal period, including fatigue, nausea, pain, hypertension, breech births, labor preparation, and postpartum mood issues.
Fertility and Reproductive Health
Working with fertility challenges involves helping you feel healthy and vital. Nature doesn’t require perfection, but to bring new life into the world, you might need some extra support.
I treat many common fertility issues, including PCOS, endometriosis, unexplained infertility, diminished ovarian reserve, and recurrent pregnancy loss. I also support people through IUI and IVF.
Chronic Stress
In today’s world, stress is such a constant companion that we don’t always notice it. It’s easy to get used to something that’s always there. But chronic stress takes a toll physically and emotionally, and can result in headaches, neck and back pain, insomnia, irregular cycles, poor digestion, mood swings, and more. Acupuncture is brilliant at regulating your nervous system to shift you out of a “fight or flight” state into a more regulated, resilient place.
Anxiety, Depression, and Trauma
Sometimes we’re anxious or depressed for specific reasons and then things get better. Other times, anxiety and depression can linger. This can be especially true for anyone who’s experienced trauma, whether big or little. (Trauma is anything that overwhelms your nervous system.) I offer sensitive, trauma-informed care to people struggling with anxiety, depression, other mood issues, and PTSD. My treatments focus on helping create a deep sense of safety in your body and mind so you can heal.
Kids love acupuncture! Yes, even if they don’t love needles. I have lots of non-needle tools available, and always respect consent when I’m working with little ones.
I treat babies through teens and can help with a variety of common childhood issues, including digestive issues, frequent illness, allergies and asthma, poor sleep, behavioral problems, and mood issues.